Contact & Cooperation

Reviews, sponsored articles and mentions

While I do not offer a straight up review service, I am always happy to carefully consider sponsored post opportunities. Especially when they involve products that are allergen-free and promote a healthy lifestyle. I will often mention my clients on social media and on my blog, so if you would like to work together, please drop me an e-mail. However, please remember that all posts represent my real opinion about products, places or events and I will not speak highly of anything that is harmul for the customers.

Recipe and food photography services

Whether you’re interested in having a recipe developed or styled and photographed – I’d love to help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Giveaways and workshops

If you would like to raise awareness of your brand or product by running a giveaway or organizing a workshop, I’d be happy to participate.

Each service is tailored to individual needs. Additional information and detailed calculation are available by request – you may contact me by dropping an e-mail at:

Please, note that I am not interested in link exchange requests and any kind of barter cooperation. I do not prepare reviews in exchange for products to be reviewed as well.

Hello & welcome to my private gluten-free heaven, thanks a lot for stepping by! I hope you’ll find here everything you need – make yourself comfortable, enjoy the reading and visit this place as often as you can. You’re always very welcome ♥
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© 2014 | | Natalia Mantur | AllRightsReserved